cloudy and rain

UNIXやLINUX、時事放談など気になったことを無作為に書きつらねています。 The topic which becomes matter of concern of UNIX and LINUX and society is written on world wide.

Friday, February 16, 2007


とか”り”とか”スティーブ”更には”ナムエンなんとか”。 あ、飲食店の話ね。桃のマークの某ファミレスなんか料理はぬるいは、ドリンクバー途中からピッチャーだもんな。「適当に勝手に注げ」らしい。しかも空になるとほったらかし。いくら深夜だからって明け方まで開いているんなら「質を落とす」理由が知りたいね。
夜中に来る奴は客じゃねえのか?俺はシラフだったんだけどねえ。 ちなみにいっしょに飯食った友人は翌日酷い水便で二日間苦しんだんだって。  それってノロ??


Thursday, February 01, 2007

why!?do you thing this!!!!

In Japan, treatment the antique seems that is
acknowledged in the people as an expedient of
money-making. Designating such as basis, being
free, to say that you teach the method of antique
trade, like this copy volunteer who after all is
accustomed to selling the book.In place Japan it has been wrapped trading of the
antique in the mysterious veil to seem and trading
just in order to make a fair copy the application
document which is necessary for trading and simply
method of writing that document (as for that if the
person who can read letter especially there is no
difficult thing.) There is to a sight which it tries to be
accustomed to selling the sufficient book which is
introduced. To tell the truth no charge it is good, in
the sense that introduction of the book is free. It is the
country where the strange is many.